Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Day of Words of the Month of Perfection

Kansas: 89º at 11 a.m. Clear and gonna be hot! The picture to the left was taken on a hot day in July, 2004 in South-Western Kansas along Route 56.

There isn't much to report. I managed to sleep in spite of the fact that it may have got down to 80 last night, maybe not. After a late night downtown I was glad to go home. I'm slowly reading the Poet's Market (got up to the Bs).

The doggy days of August are a time for low physical activity accomplishments. I water the garden. Do a wash and hang it on the line. I try to stay where it's cool.

I worked on my website yesterday. Janette showed me how to upload a picture. There will be many more to come. I wrote another poem in the Zmitri series.

Sometimes the very small accomplishments need to be celebrated. Last night I remembered to take my hypertension pill. I celebrated by downing it with death-by-chocolate bundt cake. Life can be good.

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