Monday, August 13, 2007

Day of Power of the Month of Perfection

Kansas: 96º and steamy. Nice breeze though.

We are having temps near 100º every day. I stay in the a/c as much as possible, which is why I walked to Z's yesterday. I was totally soaked even though it took me only 20 some minutes to get there.

Finished reading Body in the Basement. Light summer reading. This week's cinquain above was inspired by the tale. I also loved the quote about the Maine shore, "If you want to speak to God, it's a local call from here." It would make a good writing prompt. Maine would be preferable to Kansas at the moment.

Well my writing may be suffering, but my private journal just hit the milestone of 1,300 pages!

My friend Rita Cline informs me that her son Brian was in a very bad accident, but is recovering now. Nearly lost him ...

Thinking of you:

Pencilsoverpens in Toronto: 81º. I hope she has finally gotten to Kew Gardens and enjoyed herself this summer instead of just working.
Andra in Bismarck, North Dakota: 87º. Pregnant in the summer ... could be worse!
David in Fort Lauderdale, Florida: 88º. Ah ... but is he in North Carolina? I'd love to know.
Shelley in Monroe, Washington: 82º. I'll be visiting in September or October.


Caress of the willow; touch of the pine; white webs of gossamer across the grass; curls of sycamore bark; white bindweed, small stars in the sere lawn of grass; rain softened cracks; small copper butterfly.

Last week's cinquain:


The itch.
The scratch. The welts.
Ooze mixes with the sweat.
Sweet-sour reminder from a month
that bites.

© Kåre Enga 2007

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