Friday, August 31, 2007

Day of Knowledge of the Month of Names

Kansas: 86 degrees and warm. It was nice and cool last night!


Hey, I looked good yesterday! I really did and today, I got an 'aircut. Yep. Been years ... can't remember the last time. Malcolm cut it at the Amyx barbershop.

"Mondays at Munchies with Malcolm Miller till Midnite"

On Mondays Malcolm does donuts. Rolleyes

Heard outside of Starbucks: "Caffeine and nicotine, the everyman's diet.

I've been entering and editing poetic sketches from December 2005. Weird reading 'old' stuff.

And last night ... I had to cover up! Cool. Cool

tHiNkInG oF yOu:

75 in Kyoto at 7 a.m. where Deb wants to go and study some day. Me, too.

93 in Hot Springs, Arkansas where McPike is from. Haven't seen you yet today, Frank!

56 in Eureka, California. Same temps in New Zealand where Anabel is originally from. 57 in Aukland, for example.

Bruce who prefers alligators to grad students: 79 in Missouri City, Texas.

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