Friday, August 24, 2007

Day of Light of the Month of Names

Kansas: 79º and cloudy at noon.

We had a breeze blow through last night. Temperatures dropped and there are no triple digit days in the forecast. The heat has worn me out. I didn't sleep well and now I feel like a nap. Perhaps tonight will be cooler.

Yesterday, I went to Tea at Three and saw Richard, Paul, William and Douglas. I read some poetry of Kenneth Koch and Ko Un. I wrote a bit. But I'm still listless. The walk home was pleasant though.


Such a storm, gathering up its skirts to do a tarantela, barely working up a sweat. Such sweet fury, so little rain. The plastic pot lies fallen of its perch, moss-rose resting among the mallows. No shallow puddles, no movement of stone. Just strewn leaves blown about. This noon the grass is barely damp. This coolness brief relief. The dirt still opens up its crack of widening mouth and cries for its return. But once the dance is spent, the relentless sun reburns. And all life huddles in the drying breeze, this dying day.

Thinking of you:

71º in Green Lake, Wisconsin, which is cooler than the 88º in Bellefontaine, Ohio, Lee. Hope you and Larry are enjoying the cooler weather. Of course, Bellefontaine being on top of a 'mountain' won't flood. It's wet in Wisconsin.

80º in Texola, Oklahoma. Hub just called me today and he's a Tex-Okie.

46º in Mendoza, Argentina. Had house guests from that area years ago. I miss Mario.

66º in Arequipa, Perú below the snowy cone of El Misti. I remember the sparkling river that runs through it ... and I wish I were there.

93º at 8 in the evening in Izmir, Turkey. Daily highs have been near 100º so Sarah, her dogs, her wild kedis and the tortoises are all baking in the heat.

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