Sunday, August 19, 2007

Day of Loftiness of the Month of Perfection

Kansas: 85 degrees and muggy-buggy.

ThInKiNg Of YoU!

91 degress in Edwardsville, Illinois where Nanette resides. When will the heat abate?
97 degress in Mesa, Arizona, near where my cousin Kathy and her family lives. I'll talk to her mother in a bit.
55 degrees in Perth, West Australia near where Rebecca resides. Haven't heard from you girl! Wondering ... hope you are okay.
70 degrees in Port Colborne, Ontario, just west of where Jeanne Mason is. It's been a long time since I've had the pleasure of visiting Lake Erie and the temp sounds fine.

Not much else to report. I ate a fish for lunch and I've been staying cool at Z's with a cuppa, reading blogs. Recently, I've been writing children's poems and want to write more. So that'll be my day. How's yours?

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