Thursday, August 23, 2007

Day of Grandeur of the Month of Names

Kansas: 91º at 11 a.m. At least it will be cooler tomorrow!

Well, I'm in a hurry ... got lots to do ... liver and onions and Tea at Three and printing up some poetry ...

I hang around crazy people. Maybe they caught it from me? Nah ... they were this way before I first came here.

Still writing children's ditties. Although, I want to do an epistle based on memories of Arequipa. No time for reminiscing about Perú today.

I was Thinking of you yesterday:

Steven and Fellser in Chilly Philly: 68º. Fellser just got back from Maine and Steven will be in NYC real soon, so enjoy being at home!

Betty in Salamanca: 72º. Nice day! (72º in Salamanca Spain, too, but much dryer at 23% humidity compared to 76%.) Hope you are enjoying one of Summer's last gasps. I promise not to mention the casino ... oops.

Jeanette spoke about Bellingham, Washington: 69º. Another nice cool place ... ***sigh***


From KMA and Headhunter's on the 21st:

Purple podded okra; 12 foot sunflowers towering; the crush, the smell of fennel, yellow-flowered, stems bulging at the base; various shades of coleus; orange torch of tithonia and the fragrant crush of cosmos, four bees clustered on pink petals; a riot of zinnia where a new stone path is being planted; 4 o'clocks; orange, yellow, red ribs of chard.

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