Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Day of Perfection of the Month of Perfection

Kansas: 91º at 1 p.m. and no respite in sight.

We had 3 minutes of sprinkles this morning. Fortunately I watered the garden. Last night I mulched an area with hay.

I decided not to go downtown last night. Walked to the store instead and bought milk, yoghurt and Kroger's Death-by-chocolate low-fat ice cream. Very good! Surprisingly so, because I love high-fat content.

Well I had chicken with vegetables for lunch and once again remembered to take my pill. I need to slurp my egg drop soup soon though. Cost me all of $5.50.

Thinking of you:

83º in Buffalo: my mother was fine when I spoke to her on Sunday.
76º in Missoula, Montana: started a poem about the Sentinel, David!
71º in Lund, Sweden: mild evening where a dear friend lives.
65º in Monroe, Washington: cool at my sister's place today. I should be there now.
57º in Fulda, Germany: Anna's mom is from there. Rainy day.
-46º in Schwerdtfeger, Antartica: Thinking of my college roomate by that name!

IMAGES: clouds, clouds and the cotton of clouds, no drops to drink; no breeze inside where the a/c can't be felt; semi-soft vegetables caught in my teeth; sweet 'smoky' coffee; beep of the phone and voices from the front desk; an annoying buzzzzz.

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