Saturday, August 25, 2007

Day of Mercy of the Month of Names

Kansas: 77 degrees and fair.


In the International Park: trembling birch, white barked; white anemones; the air clear, no stench; white John, white socked, asleep laying on a bench; collecting tulip leaves and cherry leaves; pebbles, water, trees.


I've been writing more. Slogging through Murakami and have read poetry by Koethe , Koch and Ko Un recently.

It cooled off last night. Such a relief, albeit temporary.

I missed my bus to the nature preserve. So I went downtown instead. Met friends at Aimee's. Went down to South Park and listened to the fiddlers while I had some chocolate ice cream. They were very good. The singing and playing continues tomorrow.

I feel okay today.


59 degrees and humid in Amstelveen, The Netherlands where Maria lives. Hope people are smiling at you.

83 degrees in Fayetteville, North Carolina where my aunt has had to stay inside because of the heat and poor air quality.

78 degrees in Bonanza, Arkansas. Not nearly so hot as I expected, Allen!

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