Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Day of Speech of the Month of Perfection

Kansas: hot! 102º at 2 p.m. with a heat index of 107º.

Many of my friends are wilting under the heat here and around the country. Maybe the gulf storm will send some clouds and cooling rain this way.

I now have a post office box! Soon I'll have a debit card and be hitting the highway. World ... here I come.


A cold bus; yellow-orange zinnias; gold rudbeckias; green-brown blood grass; pigeon feathers; a/c anywhere I go ... the heat outside.

Thinking of YOU:

David in Missoula, Montana: 93º. In 1893 it was 32º! What a difference a century makes. I will visit this autumn, somehow! I will have the money.
Snow in Las Vegas, Nevada: 102º. The worse is yet to come ... I think I'll wait on Nevada til winter. Such a cool name; such a hot place.
Gary in Tulsa, Oklahoma: 87º after a day that hit 104º. Unfortunately, I can imagine a day like this quite well, a whole bunch of days back in the summer of '03 in Tahlequah. Hope your wires aren't frying, Gare.
Charlotte in Buda, Texas: 85º. Not bad! She's seen a lot of rain this year, so I wonder what she thinks about the storm brewing in the gulf? Then again, maybe I don't!
Gaston in D.C.: 79º after a day of 99º. I don't want to think about the humidity. Hope you and Juan are keeping cool. It is 43º back home in La Paz, Bolivia. 26º tonight.

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