Kansas: 96º, but nights are cooler.44 years ago on August 28, 1963, Martin Luther King mesmerized an audience from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial and inspired all of America with his "I have a dream" speech.Link: http://www.usconstitution.net/dream.html
For 15 years (1988-2002) I had picnics on this day to bring people together as a commemoration, in keeping with the vision of Dr. King. Even though I did not have a gathering today, I try to keep the dream alive.My most successful event was when friends came to play blues and jazz and I was inundated with 150 guests. Then in 2001, my friend Cory was the dj with every one dancing out in the 'parking lot'. Yep. Or the year the Wasehs cooked chicken kabob out at the curb and we had the whole neighborhood salivating. We shared, of course!Yes, we had some good times bringing all types of folks together.Thinking of U:Sally who grew up around Carbondale, Illinois: 95º Four years ago we were both having a tough time. Hope her life has moved on.
Krista from Wamego, Kansas: 95º who is moving to Reno, Nevada: 81º. She'll miss the green, but the paycheck will be greener.
Gayle Ranney who grew up in Wichita, Kansas: 91º ... hmmm ... wonder where thou art?
Brandon from Washington, Pennsylvania: 82º Still have your stuff, Spike! Wish you were here.
Last week's retired ditty:
Bug hug lesson #1
Out in the grass,
I found a bug.
I gave it a hug.
It gave me a rash.
© Kåre Enga 2007
I somehow got up and saw the eclipse of the moon around 5 this morning. Big orangish moon, darker towards the top. Couldn't stay up to watch it for long. Earlier in the evening it was one of the biggest brightest yellow full moons I've ever done seen.
And tell my mother I ate all my meatloaf and all the beets too! She doesn't read this, but somehow mothers always know ...