Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Day of Splendor of the Month of Knowledge

Kansas: it was clear blue sky cool today.

Not much accomplished other than having supper with Janette and doing my other blog. At least I renewed my library books that were due! Tuesday is a night to hang out at Henry's and see who is out and about.

Retired poem:

Moments wasted

Your life's more precious than silver or gold
yet some will sell it for crack.
And ignore the lessons their elders told:
you can never buy it back.

© Kåre Enga 2007

Thinking of you:

70º in DC where Gastón resides. When will I visit?

70º in Fayetteville, North Carolina. Talked with my Aunt Dot on Sunday.

56º in Missoula, Montana. Thinking about going back come December. Brrrrrrr.

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