Monday, September 10, 2007

Day of Beauty of the Month of Might

Kansas: 69 º and cool and rainy.

Well, life is dull at times. The Saturday football game was a romp: 62-0. Sunday was sitting at Z's and working on my blog and old poetry. I've gone through about half of the 500 pictures that I got developed from old film going back 3 years. Some photos were a bit of a surprize. Nights have cooled off; good sleeping weather. Reading some Burroughs.


A flock of cows in closed formation, flying ...
Telepathic cow power (how they move in unison)
Cow show girls
Cashew Inn (cash you in)
Wingbat, Wyoming?

Does anyone know anything about Gillette, Wyoming? I'm stuck there for a couple hours on the 21st. I spend all day on the 9-21 and 10-3 cruising and perusing the landscape of Wyoming. Any thoughts? Snoozing has crossed my mind ... as has reading Annie Proulx' short story collection, "Close Range". I'll be in Missoula, Montana on the 22nd and then Monroe, Washington.


Counting along the path to Z's:
2-4 inch willow leaves
19 1/2 inch deep crack in the soil.
24 bricks high canna lilies.
3 cm. petals of crabapple flowers in bloom
1.8 cm grey lichen on an ash
8 bricks high, the Pine Tree Townhouse sign
7 inches, dry pine needles
1 fresh pile of dog poop (didn't count the flies)
2 balls, one blue football, 1 red-white-blue basketball
22 leaflets on a locust leaf
5 points on the sweet gum leaf
1 nest on the ground, another in a tree
6 cm pine cone
4 cm cigarette butt
20 slabs of walkway concrete to 21st Street.
7 concrete road slabs to Miller Drive
3 spouts on the yellow fireplug
innumerable shards of broken brown glass
1 bag of trash
1 man in pink riding a red lawn mower, turning the corner of S Silicon
24 mailboxes with 4 feet
1 green cooking pan
2 ladders atop the silver van
2 car garages everywhere, the house turning their backs to the street
3 ridged black water drains
7 inch oak leaf, 7 inches wide
2.2 x 1.8 cm acorn, the cap 2 cm by .6 cm deep
1 green mailbox (#1600)
4 red reflectors (#1605)
2 purple curly cabbages 1 m high
9 white portulacas among a sea of yellow
2 covered motorbikes
1 flag waving in front of the silver water tower
2 green hook and ladders
2 red-leafed trees in the island by Z's
8 heliopsis in bloom, mulched by coffee grounds.

thinking of you

68º Diane in Buffalo, New York. Call mom!

87º Shelley in Monroe, Washington. I'll see you soon.

78º David in Missoula, Montana. Will it snow when I visit in two weeks?

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Day of Speech of the Month of Names

Kansas: 89 degrees and not one cloud!

Fortunately it has been cooler at night. Even had to cover up.


Will Applachian State get some deserved votes in the National polls? I guess the AP won't allow it ... Frown. After beating Michigan, they proved they can play with the best and deserve any recognition they get.

I went to Kansas U's 52-7 win over Central Michigan. Not an exciting game. Amused myself by playing with a 2 1/2 year old, Max, and his trash truck, two cars and dinosaur. Smile


Picked and put in my pocket: sweet pea, violet butterfly-bush flowers, yellow rose. In my bag: 2 bottle caps and feathers.

The fall of brown pine needles (evoking sadness); oak leaves, chestnut leaves, ginkgo leaves; chestnuts, their balls spiny and green, and big enough to make The Hulk jealous Laugh; chewed up remains of a walnut husk (no squirrel seen).

Thinking of U:

82 degrees and clear in Bellefontaine, Ohio for Lee Ann and Larry. So much nicer than the extreme heat or floods.
79 degrees for my nice Lee Ann in Cheektowaga, New York. She's only 12, but she'll be taller than me in a couple years.
57 degrees for Kathy in North Derbyshire, U.K. Can't wait until I hook up with Skype and can talk with her and Anna Lisa in Lund, Sverige: 55 degrees.